Loker.ac.id – Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Razaki Media Teknologi Jakarta Selatan– Razaki Technology is established in 2004, has solid foundation in IP technology and provides various software development services for all customers. Razaki Technology offers many solutions for the needs of software development and data communications services that support the success of customer business. Razaki Technology provides IP based application development therefore allowing more opportunities for customers focusing on its main business. Razaki Technology offers a variety of IP-based solutions for the application or service of software development as well as data communications services, in order to support customers’ business success. Triple Play, a bundle of voice, video, and data services for customers, is the basis of our services. With experiences on variety of projects, Razaki Technology has been gaining a competitive business experiences, including expertise in new technology. Razaki Technology builts a database of knowledge that provides solutions fulfilling customer requirements. Our service excellences has made Razaki Technology leading company in IP Media Solution. Razaki Technology is a progressive, expansive and innovative global company in the area of IP Media Solutions. Our aim is to achieve customer satisfaction, on time at any time. Since 2004, we have created qualified communication solution that is able to maintain the value of customers. Our values come from a continuous research. Since the beginning, we produce integrated products and provide successful support. We manage our project in realistic implementations scheme. We are recognized in the national market as the one of provider of IP Media services. Our integrated products and research has been uniquely identified in the global market, which is based on the developments of technology.
Saat ini PT Razaki Media Teknologi sedang membuka lowongan kerja dengan lokasi penempatan Jakarta Selatan, Posisi yang di butuhkan yaitu :
Agent Call Center
Kualifikasi :
Kualifikasi :
a. Pria/ wanita
b. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan; pengalaman berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai agent call center helpdesk , customer service, resepsionis
c. Umur maksimal 27 tahun
d. Memiliki keahlian berbahasa Inggris dan mengoperasikan komputer
e. Jujur dan teliti.
f. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baikdan interpersonal yang memadai.
g. Memiliki jiwa melayani, ramah, intonasi suara yang baik (smilling voice dan tidak berlogat kedaerahan.
h. Bersedia kerja shifting.
i. Penempatan di RS Swasta dan Pemerintah
j. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan diproses.
Gaji Yang Ditawarkan : Gaji di atas ekspektasi
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Proses rekrutmen PT Razaki Media Teknologi GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap oknum yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.
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